6 Months Online Retreat Starting On The 27th March, 2025

Diving Into Our Intimate Relationship Karma, Patterns & Wounds

Through the Wisdom Of Your Gene Keys

Embark On A Deep Journey Of Self Revelation

Using the Gene Keys framework, we embark on an profound journey. As we open this retreat, we will be taking a quantum leap to transform the shadows of our relationships.

The Gene Keys work are a magic revealer of the hidden nature of our inner fabric - exposing our defence mechanisms, our karmic loops and our shadows.

Through this process, bringing awareness to our blindspots, we create softness and spaciousness to transform. We open ourselves and all our relationships to the hidden gift frequencies locked into our biggest challenges.

The Synapsis Of Our Retreat

Module 1 : The Dharma Of Your Relationships

Every relationship in your life brings you the opportunity to find a deeper relationship to your own true purpose. This is the purpose of all your relationships – to exponentially enhance this quality in your life. 

Ironically, it is when relationships become the most challenging that you have the greatest opportunity to transform the Shadow pattern that is preventing this Gift quality from emerging in your life.

Module 2 : Your Attractor Field

This Sphere represents our attractor field – that magical and most mysterious magnetic force that works through our lives, drawing people and relationships towards us according to our dharma – our path, and our karma – our transformation.

This Sphere covers a lot of inner ground, being about sexuality, creativity, magnetism and fortune. The Sphere of Attraction teaches us a very important truth – that we draw the right experiences and people into our lives for powerful reasons, and sometimes that reason takes time to become manifest.

Module 3 : The IQ - The Mental Patterns

What use is a sharp mind if we do not train its laser eye upon ourself? This is what the Sphere of your IQ is all about. Your mind is a powerful tool when used in the service of deep contemplation of the mystery of oneself.

You will be using your mind to look at the way your mind works. You will be looking at patterns that formed when you were young in response to deep emotional conditioning. We examine the mental patterns that get triggered in ourselves in response to others.

Module 4 : The EQ - The Emotional Patterns

Emotional intelligence has to do with three main things: our ability to listen, our ability to communicate clearly, and our willingness to take responsibility for our own feelings. In this module, you will take a long and honest look at your relationships, past and present, to see the drama of the patterns at work.

When we arrive at the Sphere of our EQ, we have come to the very apex of our emotional wound. The human emotional journey is one of pleasure and pain, of passion and turmoil, of longing and despair, of ugliness and beauty.

Although the wound runs deeper than our emotions, it is here that the fire must burn the brightest in order that the transformation can take place.

Module 5 : The SQ - The Quality Of Your Love

What is the quality of your Love? Your SQ is your spiritual quotient – the measure of your ability to remain connected to the spiritual heart of life. The Venus Sequence is keynoted as a process that is all about opening your heart through relationships.

Everything that we will have contemplated up to this point has been preparing you for this – this softening and opening of your heart into the sacred wound. When you feel the tenderness of your own heart, you also come to realise that you are never alone.

Module 6 : The Core Wound

The purpose of the Venus Sequence is to help you become more of your true self, your higher self. But as you will now know, your higher self includes the integration of your lower self. We must get to the bottom of our own suffering.

Once you begin to come more deeply in touch with your specific wounding pattern, rather than getting weaker you will become inwardly stronger. Opening us up to the contemplation: What would my life & relationships look like without suffering?

Everything you attract towards yourself

all relationships, experiences and their timings

serve a single purpose, to offer you the possibility of

expanding your capacity to love.

Richard Rudd


What The Online Retreat Includes

  • Complete Personalised Gene Keys Venus Sequence Course Material

  • Bi-monthly Workshops Guiding You Throughout This Deep Inner Work Process

  • Group Container Continuously Supporting You As The Gene Keys Often Shake Things Up


Relationship Shadow Transmutation 

Online Retreat Together We Reveal And Transform Our Relationship Patterns

One of the most rewarding & self-loving investments we can make in our lives is towards our personal growth and development, creating a life that is fulfilling and deeply satisfying.

Relationship Upgrade Retreat | Early-Bird
For 6 months
One time

Access to the personalised Gene Keys Venus sequence course, bi-monthly workshops, and access to individual support in group container. Early Bird discount until March 7th & Free 45 min Gene Keys individual session for the first 5 registered.

Everything you attract towards yourself

all relationships, experiences and their timings 

serve a single purpose, to offer you the possibility of

expanding your capacity to love.

Richard Rudd

Relationship Upgrade Retreat | On Time Bird
For 6 months
One time

Access to the personalised Gene Keys Venus sequence course, bi-monthly workshops, and access to individual support in group container. Rate applying from 8th of March.

✺ Frequently Asked Questions ✺

  • We will open the retreat on the 27th of March online and journey for the following 6 months.

    As you embark on this journey from home, this is an incredible opportunity to integrate and observe the shifts in real time in your relationships over time.

  • As you sign up, you will receive access to your personalised Gene Keys Venus Sequence Course (which includes plenty of reading material, meditations, personalised audios & readings).

    We will gather on Zoom twice a month, guiding you through each module. You will also learn integrative practices, as well as a key component of our home retreat, sharing our individual processes and holding space for our challenges & transformations.

    To ground our process, we will open a container on Whatsapp where you will be supported and guided through whatever comes up in your own life during the at-home retreat.

  • Yes, absolutely. Whether you are in a relationship, you wish to be in a relationship or you are taking a pause from romantic relationships,

    This retreat & course is design to examine, reveal and transform our relationship patterns.

    If you are in partnership, then you will focus your awareness to your primary relationship.

    If you aren’t in a relationship, then you will use all your relationships as a mirror of your inner world!

    Both equally powerful material to examine!

  • The core calls last 75 minutes twice per month.

    The Venus Sequence study material requires an average of 2 hours per month to go through the materials, meditations etc.

    It is also recommended to spend 15min a few times per week to contemplate the shadows & gifts of the module in progress. This can be done sitting in silence, while walking, while consciously moving or whatever way works best of you.

    You will be taught different ways to contemplate and meditate to access your inner truth throughout the retreat.

    You get to choose how much time you want/ need to invest in your personal practice every month! There is no requirements.

  • Absolutely! All our calls are recorded, allowing you to access and review them at your convenience.

    Whenever you require personalized guidance, you have the opportunity to share your inquiries on our designated WhatsApp group. Elina will support you to navigate your challenges directly.

  • The Gene Keys is built upon from the Human Design System. It brings together with great wisdom, knowledge from astrology, the I Ching (or Book of Changes, an ancient Chinese oracle and philosophy that dates back to around 1000 BCE) & other ancient divination wisdom.

    The Gene Keys bring light to our individual shadows in each sphere of our lives. Within each shadow, is contained our greatest gifts and super powers. The Gene Keys focuses on revealing our highest potential, disguised in our challenges.

    Through this retreat, we will be focusing on all the spheres of our relationships.

  • The program is designed for anyone with the desire to upgrade their relationships - intimate, partnership, work, family or any relationships in their lives!

    The Gene Keys is a framework that will serve us as a tool to bring light to our own individual unconscious and conscious patterns. You do not need any prior knowledge to benefit from these insights.

Any other question? We’ve got your back! help@elinapavlidis.com